
Despite diversifying our activities to other areas highlighted in the accompanying pages, engineering allied to the Motor Vehicle claims process remains our core activity. This is supported by our in-house and field engineers team that currently total thirty-five.

What we have monitored closely and now embrace is the VDA accreditation, that whilst being an integral component of the PAS 125 program for the body repair industry will also form part of future engineering assessors qualifications.

To this end we have initiated a process of enrolling our engineers into the Thatcham program with a view to obtaining full VDA accreditation. This remains work in progress for all our engineers who are not members of the Institute of Automotive Engineering Assessor, whose existing qualifications exempt them from the program.

All our engineers have practical experience in the accident repair industry and as a consequence are able to negotiate from a position of confidence. Where they are unable to rely on personal experience, access to repair method technology by way of Escribe is our chosen data reference library.

In keeping with current supplier requirements training in both TTS (Thatcham Time Systems) and Audatex systems has been provided and continues to form the backbone of our repair calculations.

Our ongoing commitment to sound engineering practices supported by advanced IT solutions is designed to provide clients with the confidence that all their instructions will be dealt with efficiency.

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