Fast-Track Total Loss

A recent addition to the services we provided for our clients is that of remote Fast–Track Total Loss inspection and reporting.

This has been developed in tandem with HBC PLC who, as a leading salvage contractor, are able to provide a fast and efficient collection service on a vehicle that has been identified as a potential total loss at FNOL. Once the vehicle has been collected we take over the claim and submit a report to the principal on a same day basis.

This reporting service is undertaken on a desktop basis in all cases except those that are deemed to require a site inspection where we thereafter follow field inspection protocols.

A full HPi check is included with a Glasses Guide/CAPS valuation supported by access to the “Evalued” web site where market comparisons can be viewed and used in the final settlement process.

Where required, UKAA can undertake the agree and settlement payment process on behalf of client.

Quite apart from enhanced client service in identifying and acting quickly on potential total loss claims, leakage in the form of storage charges can be controlled and minimised.

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